August 27, 2013
a shift of perspective
Whenever I post in the future, it will be over here.04:29 PM | Permalink | Comments (0)
July 03, 2013
I'm thinking of starting up again. It's been awhile. I'm rusty.05:01 PM | Permalink | Comments (5)
June 23, 2010
what was in my csa share?: 6.12.10
- green garlic
- garlic scapes
- yellow onion sets
- joi choi
- lettuce
- radishes
- turnips
- cilantro
no arugula this week, so I had to fulfill my new addiction to pesto with basil from the store.
while I was making my pick-up, I heard the farmer talking about how understanding the shareholders have been this spring giving the massive amounts of rain and unusual growing season we're having this year. I admit, I have been a bit outpaced by the onion and garlic. I'm hoping drier weather and more variety is on the way.
also, flavorful raspberries from the farmers market baked into a salt-kissed buttermilk cake minus the kissing.
06:33 AM | Permalink | Comments (1)
June 16, 2010
what was in my csa share?: 6.15.10
- lettuce
- arugula
- onion scapes
- garlic scapes
- kohlrabi (new to me)
- five adorable little radishes
- green garlic
- spring onions
the arugula and garlic scapes turned into pesto again this week. is it wrong to just eat it by the spoonful?
06:48 AM | Permalink | Comments (2)
June 08, 2010
what was in my csa share?: 6.8.10
- joi choi
- arugula
- mixed greens
- early garlic
- spring onions
- garlic scapes
- onion scapes
- turnips
06:50 PM | Permalink | Comments (1)
May 25, 2010
what was in my csa share?: 5.25.10
- more freakin' leeks
- spring onions
- green garlic
- onion scapes
- mixed greens
- pea shoots
- dried beans
- napa cabbage
07:10 PM | Permalink | Comments (7)
May 24, 2010
what was in my csa share?: 5.18.10
- green garlic
- leeks
- leek scapes
- spring onions
- pea shoots
- beans
- napa cabbage
06:48 AM | Permalink | Comments (0)
April 30, 2010
I will be at Maryland Sheep & Wool on Sunday. My first chance to come back since moving away almost five (!) years ago.
10:02 PM | Permalink | Comments (1)
February 26, 2010
my sweet girl is gone
11:32 PM | Permalink
January 01, 2010
song for the year past
Scattered shadows on a wall, you watch the long light fall
Some impressions stay and some will fade
Tattered shoes outside your door, clothes all on the floor
Your life feels like the morning after all year long.
Every day it starts again
You cannot say if you’re happy
You keep trying to be
Try harder, maybe this is not your year.
Movies, TV screens reflect just what you expected
There’s a world of shiny people somewhere else
Out there following their bliss
living easy, getting kissed
while you wonder what else you’re doing wrong
Breathe through it, write a list of desires
Make a toast, make a wish, slash some tires
Paint a heart repeating, beating “don’t give up, don’t give up, don’t give up.”
07:32 PM | Permalink | Comments (7)